• Shorelines, (2021-2022)

The meaning of the shoreline changes when it isn't located where you remember it to be; that place where it's supposed to be. I remember! It was here! Your memory is sound enough. Of course, there's still a shoreline, but now it comes to greet us too early. Maybe there just won't be a shoreline. We'll erase the line. We'll pretend that it was never here, just an archaic use of language. To the people of the past my humors are out of whack. If the shoreline disappears entirely, I can mourn all these soon-to-be lost places as if they were just one place. Even so, that imaginary place isn't happy to see me either. Premiere forthcoming.

  • A Few Thoughts To Myself, (2021)

Plunderphonics work involving Haydn, Uncle Tupelo, myself, and others.




Chamber Music